Christ freely gives us his grace in abundance through the Sacraments.
All parents who are seeking preparation for their child to receive baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, or Confirmation, please use the links in the left menu to find those preparation pages and their corresponding ministry contact person or call the Missionary Discipleship Team office at 920-739-7758.
If you are seeking marriage within the Catholic Church, please contact Deacon Lincoln, Pastoral Leader, at [email protected] or 920-739-7758.
If you or someone you know wishes to receive the sacrament of Anointing, please contact Deacon Lincoln Wood at [email protected] or 920-739-7758.
If you are an adult seeking the reception of additional sacraments, you have an older child who would like to be baptized, or your have an interest in becoming Catholic, please contact Greg Mohr at [email protected] or 920-739-7758.
*If you are seeking marriage in the church and were previously married, you may need an annulment. Please contact Deacon Lincoln Wood or Greg Mohr to further discuss your situation. (see contact information above)
If you think you might be called to become a deacon, priest, religious brother or religious sister, we'd love to get coffee with you and talk about how God is working in your life! Please contact Greg Mohr here.
You may also be interested in checking out the Diocese of Green Bay vocations website for more information on becoming a priest, the diocesan deaconate director here, or the Sisters of St Francis of the Holy Cross here.